The Mineralogical Record
4631 Paseo Tubutama
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The Mineralogical Record, Tucson
The principal product of the Mineralogical Record Inc. is The Mineralogical Record magazine, issued six times a year. This is the most authoritative and widely respected mineral collector's journal in the world; no serious advanced collector would be without it. Over the years many newcomers to the field have learned from it the extensive information they need to go from novice to expert—and to have fun in the process. Readers learn about important mineral localities old and new, about the fascinating history of mining and mineralogy, and about new mineral species being described. They see reviews of public and private collections, market reports from contemporary mineral shows, columns on special topics, and oversized special issues devoted to entire mineral-rich states and countries. And all of these articles and features are illustrated by abundant top-quality color photography of fine mineral specimens. (See the Sample Articles page for some typical examples.) Copies of the magazin
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